Belgian Malinois

Common Name(s)     Belgian Malinois, Malinois, Belgian Shepherd Malinois, Belgian Shepherd Dog, Mechelaar, Mechelese Herder, and sometimes referred to as Belgium Malinois.
Breed Type      The Belgian Malinois is a herding breed. One of the four types of Belgian Sheepdogs, the Malinois is a hard worker that is skilled at herding. This breed is best suited to cooler climates, but is adaptable to warmer ones.
Background      The Malinois is native to Belgium, where it is exceedingly popular. The Malinois is closely related to three other types of Belgian Sheepdogs: The Tervuren, the Laekenois, and the Groenendael. All of these breeds were developed exclusively from other working breeds, creating dogs that are hardy, tough and energetic.

     Belgian Malinois have been employed in all sorts of work, including guarding, tracking, narcotics and bomb detection, herding, cart and sled pulling, and search and rescue. They are also good at obedience, agility, and many other activities.
     A variation of the Malinois is the Berger Belge a poil court autre que Malinois. This breed is nearly identical to the Malinois, but have different markings than the norm.

Description      The Belgian Malinois is a solidly built animal with a deep chest and muscular hindquarters. The head is flat with a fairly long, tapering muzzle. The ears are triangular and erect, and the eyes are small, dark and almond-shaped. The tail is long and should reach or extend past the hock.
     A Malinois has a short coat that is gray, fawn or mahogany. The face and ears are black, and the hairs on the rest of the body should have some amount of black tipping. Male Malinois measure 24 to 26 inches tall, and females measure 22 to 24 inches tall. Both sexes weigh between 55 and 65 pounds.

Care and Feeding      Malinois need diets that are low in fiber and high in protein. The best foods for this breed would include poultry, ocean fish, and wheat.
     The short coat of the Malinois requires minimal care. It should be brushed regularly with a firm brush, especially when shedding. Bathing should be avoided as much as possible, because it will remove the coat's natural waterproofing.
The Malinois has dewclaws on both the front and back legs. They should be removed from the back when the dog is a puppy, and may also be removed from the front if desired.
     Annual checkups will help keep your Belgian Malinois healthy. Vaccinations are due as follows:
  • 6-8 weeks: Distemper, Leptospirosis, Hepatitis, Parainfluenza, Parvo, and Corona virus (DHLPPC)
  • 10-12 weeks: Second DHLPPC
  • 14-16 weeks: Third DHLPPC and rabies
  • Annually: DHLPPC and rabies booster
     The Malinois sheds constantly, and does so heavily twice a year. Regular vacuuming of carpet and furniture is crucial. This breed is also prone to skin allergies, so it's important to remove the source of any breakouts if possible.
Housing Your Dog      The Belgian Malinois can live indoors or out, but usually prefers to sleep indoors. It needs a yard that's large enough to run in, and fenced if possible.


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